How Do You Know If Your Digital Marketing Efforts Work | Hero Marketing Agency

In order to understand the effectiveness of your digital marketing efforts you need to look at certain metrics. Let’s review the key performance indicators.

How to Measure the Success of Your Digital Marketing Efforts

Over 75% of businesses use marketing metrics to understand how their campaigns directly influence revenue. Simply put, one of the most important aspects of any digital marketing campaign is the metrics you measure to gauge success and effectiveness.


Without accurate data, it can be difficult to determine which strategies are working and which need to be improved. There are a number of key metrics that should be tracked in order to gauge the effectiveness of a digital marketing campaign.


And there’s an art to understanding marketing data in a way that you can turn around and implement effectively. Here’s what to know about what and how to measure to ensure you’re on the right track with your digital marketing campaigns.

Set Goals Before You Launch Digital Marketing Campaigns

First and foremost, it’s hard to measure success if you haven’t defined what that looks like for you yet. Many businesses launch digital marketing campaigns and forget to set goals beforehand. Then, when they go to measure the metrics, they don’t mean much.


So, what types of goals should you set for your digital marketing campaign? First, consider what you hope to achieve with your campaign. Once you’ve identified your main goal then you can break it down into more specific objectives.


For example, if you’re looking to increase brand awareness, you might set a goal to double your social media following within three months. If you’re looking to hire a digital marketing agency for Google Business Profile management, track GBP interactions, calls, and reviews over time.

How to Measure the Success of Content Marketing

Content marketing is all about creating relevant content and publishing it in order to attract high-value traffic and customers. Ultimately, the goal is to drive profitable customer action.

Fortunately, there are a number of ways to measure the success of your content marketing campaign.

Website Traffic

Website traffic is one of the most important metrics for measuring the success of content marketing. By analyzing website traffic data, marketing agencies and SEO companies can identify which content resonates with their audience and is driving results.

Onsite Engagement

Onsite engagement is another one of the most important metrics for measuring the success of content marketing. This includes things like page views, time on site, and bounce rate. All of these things give you insight into how interested your readers are in your content.


If you see that people are spending a lot of time on your site, reading multiple articles, and coming back regularly, that’s a good sign that your content is resonating with them.

SEO Rankings

We’ll get into SEO campaign metrics and how to measure them below. However, improved SEO rankings can be a sign that your content marketing is effective. A higher SEO ranking means that your website is more likely to show up on the first page of Google’s search results.


If your SEO rankings are high, it means that your content is relevant and useful to Google’s users. This, like traffic and engagement metrics, show that your audience is interested in and engaged with your content (and Google is too!).


However, SEO rankings are just one metric to consider when measuring the success of content marketing. Typically, you’d measure this alongside website traffic, conversion rates, and perhaps even social media engagement.

How to Measure the Success of SEO Services

When marketing your business online, it is important to find an experienced SEO company that can help you to improve your website and reach your target audience. However, how can you be sure that the SEO services you are paying for are effective? Here are a few things to look for.

Organic Traffic

Organic traffic is an important metric to track because it is a good indication of the health of your website’s SEO. However, traffic needs to be relevant as well.


If you’re not seeing an increase in relevant organic traffic after about three to six months, it’s likely that your SEO services are not effective and you need to optimize your strategy.

Keyword Rankings

Keyword rankings are one of the most important indicators of success for any SEO campaign. In general, higher keyword rankings represent a better return on investment for an SEO campaign since they indicate that more people are seeing and clicking on your website.


However, it’s important to keep in mind that there are many factors that can affect keyword rankings, including Google algorithm updates and seasonality. As such, it’s helpful to track keyword rankings over time to get the most accurate picture of your progress.

SERP Visibility

SERP stands for “search engine results page” and it refers to the page that appears after someone enters a query into a search engine. The higher your company’s SERP visibility, the more likely people are to click on your listing when they see it in the search results.


There are a number of factors that can influence SERP visibility, including the quality of your website’s content, the number of backlinks you have, on-page optimization, and your use of keywords.


If you’re working with an SEO company, one of the best ways to measure their success is to ask about their SERP visibility. This metric will give you a good idea of how well your website is performing in search results over time.

Clickthrough Rate

Clickthrough rate (also called CTR) is also often used as a metric to measure the success of an SEO company. CTR is the percentage of users who click on a search engine result after seeing it on the search engine results page.


A higher CTR means that your SEO efforts are successful in getting users to click on your website. This indicates that your keywords are relevant and targeted and the meta titles and descriptions you have are attractive and engaging.


However, it’s important to keep in mind that CTR can be affected by many factors, such as the position of the result on the SERP, the type of result and the user’s intent.

How to Measure the Success of Website Design

In many cases, your website is the first interaction a potential customer will have with your business. As a result, it’s important that you take care to create a website that is both informative and engaging.


So how can you tell if your website is successful? Here are a few key indicators you’ll want to measure.

Conversion Rate

Conversion rate is the percentage of visitors to a website who take the desired action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter. A high conversion rate indicates that visitors are finding what they’re looking for on the site and are taking the desired action.


A low conversion rate may indicate that your website site is difficult to navigate or that visitors are not finding what they’re looking for.


What should you change in that case? It depends, honestly. Conversion rate can be affected by many factors, such as the design of the site, the clarity of the call to action, and the overall user experience.


website design company can help to increase conversion rates by ensuring that your site is well-designed and easy to use.


You want people to not only visit your website but to stay there for a long time. This is engagement at its core. Higher levels of engagement tell you that people are visiting multiple pages and clicking around on your content.


In terms of web design, engagement can be a good way to measure how well your website is designed because it shows how interested users are in the site and how easy it is to use.

How to Measure the Success of a Social Media Manager

A social media manager is responsible for crafting and monitoring your company’s social media presence. This means they’ll engage in tasks such as posting content, engaging with followers, and monitoring brand mentions online. Here’s how to measure the success of a social media manager to ensure you’re getting a return on your investment.

Active Followers

Active followers are people who not only follow your account but also like, comment, and share your posts. In other words, they’re engaged with your content.


One method to calculate the active followers is to take the number of likes, comments, and shares your posts receive and divide it by the number of total followers you have. This will give you a percentage of engaged followers.


lead can come from many different sources, but a social media manager typically generates leads through interactions on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.


To measure the number of leads generated by a social media manager, you can track the number of leads who have visited your website after clicking on a link from one of your social media posts.

Get Help With Your Digital Marketing

We hope this guide has been helpful in providing you with a basic understanding of what types of metrics to measure in order to gauge the success of your digital marketing campaigns.


However, we know that metrics, measuring, and marketing can all get confusing.


Let us do the heavy lifting for your company. From SEO services to web design and even social media marketing, we handle it all. Ready to get started? Schedule a call with our founder to chat about your marketing needs and goals.

